£128.00 (£153.60 inc VAT)

Indoor PIR Movement Sensor
[5751LWE] - Stock: 2

CE Approved

The C-Bus Indoor PIR Movement Sensor is a C-Bus input unit used to detect movement by sensing natural thermal radiation emitted from any moving body. When movement is detected, the unit issues commands over the C-Bus network to control C-Bus output devices. The sensor is suitable for controlling lighting in homes, apartments, offices, corridors, conference rooms, etc.

The sensor incorporates the C-Bus 'Learn Mode' feature. Learn mode allows the units to be programmed without the need for a PC connected to the system. Alternatively, the units can be programmed via a PC using the installation software.

The sensor has a detection field that covers an area up to 8.5 metres from the unit, with a field of view of 90°. The unit features a 'lens-less' design with 12 overlapping zones forming a continuous detection field. Therefore, uniform sensitivity is achieved across the whole of the detection field, with no dead zones. This feature allows for wall or ceiling mounting of the sensor.

The sensor is capable of controlling up to four C-Bus 'Group Addresses', with each being controlled for a different period if required.

An added feature is that each sensor includes an ambient light level sensor (Sunset Switch) feature, which automatically turns lights on when the ambient light level falls below the threshold level (at sunset), and then turns the lights off again at sunrise. Alternatively, the lights can be programmed to automatically turn off at a set time after sunset.

A light emitting diode (LED) on the sensor head can be programmed to turn on when movement is detected. This enables easy positioning and commissioning of the sensor.

The unit initiates a regular status report, which compares the status of all input and output units within the same C-Bus 'Application Address'. If a state disagreement exists between the output units and the input units the C-Bus Indoor PIR Movement Sensor will change its internal state to suit the output


Capable of controlling up to four C-Bus 'Group Addresses', with each being controlled for a different period if required.

  • Incorporates an ambient light level sensor which acts as a Sunset Switch to control the status of the load.
  • A light emitting diode (LED) on the sensor head can be programmed to turn on when movement is detected, via the installation software, enabling easy positioning and commissioning of the sensor.
  • Time-out variation from 1 second to 18 hours, 12 minutes and 15 seconds, is set via the installation software.
  • Light sensitivity variation from one lux to full sunlight is set via an adjustment screw located on the sensor unit.
  • The detection field that covers an area up to 8.5 metres from the unit, with a field of view of 90°.
  • Lens less design with 12 overlapping zones forming a continuous detection field.
  • An electrostatic and electromagnetic shield around the sensor elements reduces false triggering from radio frequency interference (RFI).
  • Utilizes high performance pyro-electric ceramic sensors with excellent signal to noise ratio.
  • An optical bandpass filter minimises unwanted light and heat sources triggering the circuitry.
  • Dual element detectors minimise false triggering from rapid environmental temperature changes.
  • Refer to 5751L Installation Instruction for location and mounting details.
  • Wall or ceiling mounted.
  • Designed to meet Australian and European standards for EMC Compliance and Safety.
  • Configured via either the C-Bus Installation Software or via the C-Bus Learn Enabled feature.
  • An inbuilt non-volatile memory retains programmed information relating to the current operating status of the unit in the event of a power failure.
  • Communication with other C-Bus devices and the C-Bus supply voltage is obtained via a single C-Bus twisted pair cable.
  • Initiates a regular status report, which compares the status of all input and output units within the same C-Bus 'Application Address'.

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