Fully assembled Open2327RomAdapter v3 with a blank W27C512-45Z 512kb EEPROM included.
Suitable for replacing 2364 ROMs such as found in the Commodore 64 and Commodore floppy disk drives.
It is configured for 64kb ROM images and can select between 8 different ROM images using optional switches. If no switches are used then it will default to the last 64kb image in the ROM at address 0xE000.
EEPROM can be preprogrammed free of charge if a suitable size BIN or HEX file is supplied.
Further details available at https://github.com/SukkoPera/Open2327RomAdapter.
Please note that the adaptor has modern round pins which is not flat. This might stretch the stamped pin socket contacts on the motherboard after multiple insertions. A little light oil or contact cleaner should be added to each pin socket to assist with insertion. Alternatively, a separate stamped pin socket may be inserted first, with the adaptor inserted into that socket to preserve the integrity of the original motherboard socket.